‘An excellent debut’ – Devilution review

Hollow Mirror is a 2019 favourite, making it onto multiple best metal album 2019 lists

★★★★☆ from DEVILUTION in this review of HOLLOW MIRROR!
Well-known in the Danish metal scene for their sharp ears and even sharper pens, we are thrilled with the lovely words from journalist Henrik Hjellerup Bro in this review of our debut album.

SOFIA SCHMIDT‘s voice easily spans several octaves and not only is her clean vocal in peak form, she’s also handling the album’s growls. Truly a woman with an excellent organ”

Ethereal Kingdoms live at Royal Metal Fest. Sofia Schmidt with bleeding heart special effect.
From our performance at Royal Metal Fest 2019 Portrait by Jakob Dinesen // Devilution

“ETHEREAL KINGDOMS is a symphonic metal band, but it’s a bit more than that. A significant amount of black metal sneaks its way into the songs.”

Especially ‘ENDINGS’ was highlighted as an example of this, with massive blasts and the duality of Sofia’s growls and clean vocals.

Endings – a story of blind of hope and bitter consequence.
Mighty Music 2019 – Video by Scott Rudd

“The inspiration from NIGHTWISH is present, but opposed to the swedes, ETHEREAL KINGDOMS is carried by guitar, bass and drums rather than long keyboard sequences”

The comparison to the Finnish symphonic legends was also noticed by METAL A DAY’s Mads Pristed in another review.
Devilution’s Henrik Bro continues:

“HOLLOW MIRROR is an excellent full-length debut from ETHEREAL KINGDOMS. This reviewer totally overlooked that in 2019. It could have made its way to the top 5 Danish releases of the year”

DEVILUTION journalist Henrik Kjellerup Bro highlighted BEGINNINGS, ENDINGS and APPARITION from our collection of ghost stories.
What are your favorites on HOLLOW MIRROR?

“Close your eyes and listen” – Metal’art Hollow Mirror review

Ethereal Kingdoms live Wintersun Support Gimle 2019 Christian Rasmussen

4,5 of 5 stars from Metal’art in this review of Hollow Mirror.
Journalist Morbid Domi dared to look at our debut album and states:

“In their mirror, I saw the beauty and the capacity to lay one day a true masterpiece in this very noble style. Close your eyes and listen …”

“The 9 titles composing the work are totally captivating. Their metal is generous in both the refined orchestrations and guitar riffings of Christian Rasmussen. More than in groups yet known worldwide, we find passages very aggressive thanks to the excellent drumming of Jon Elmquist.

Apparition” is already in a level higher than the “Enter” of Within Temptation.”

“The entire album listens without transitions, never tired. “

Morbid Domi, The Metal Art

Thank you so very much!

Other French metal media have taken interest in our 9 ghost stories, such as Metallian, who honored us with our very first foreign print magazine front page feature and a full-page interview.

Enter the world of Hollow Mirror on your streaming service of choice
Get your copy of our debut album on vinyl and CD from the official Target webshop!

“Not an ordinary piece of work” – Aardschok magazine review

Aardschok magazine november 2019 Ethereal Kingdoms review hollow mirror
Sofia Schmidt and Christian Rasmussen
Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun 15th anniversary support
August 30th 2019, Gimle, Roskilde
Portrait by Skoett Photography
Sofia Schmidt and Christian Rasmussen
Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun 15th anniversary support
August 30th 2019, Gimle, Roskilde
Portrait by Skoett Photography

Renowed dutch heavy metal journal Aardschok magazine dived into our debut album in their November 2019 issue.
Hollow Mirror was awarded 85 of 100 score in this review by journalist Laura Waalboer! Thank you!

What did she experience?
What stories did she encounter?
Laura in particular took note to of our song Distance:

“Opener “Distance” starts with a melodic orchestration (…), soon you know, this is not going to be an ordinary piece of work”

“No song is just an up-tempo, a ballad or a melodic song. Each track contains clean vocals, growls, narration, mysterious sounds, opera vocals, guitar solos, whipping drums and everything else in the musical range of symphonic metal. (…) in every song all the singing styles, various arrangements and all the instruments are tumbling over each other.”

“What a courage, what a creativity!”

“Hollow Mirror (…) is a 45-minute fairy tale story with a lead role for singer Sofia Schmidt. She is in possession of a warm, dark voice that, during the clean vocals, resembles Helena Michaelsen, who can also sound an opera tesk, and she also takes care of the growls.”

Laura Waalboer, Aardschok november 2019 issue

Thank you so much Aaardschock magazine!
Other metal journalists have shared their experience of Hollow Mirror:

“In league with the big bands” – heavymetal.dk – 8 of 10
“You’re in for an experience” – Metalized – 10/10
“Brings together the opposites” – Classic Rock Magazine
“A perfect balance of brightness and darkness” – Metal Temple – 8 of 10
“Beauty interrupted by brutality” – Calles Rock Corner – 6 of 6

Hollow Mirror – 3 weeks on Spotify

Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror CD

On October 11th we released our debut album Hollow Mirror
Now, (30th of august), less than three weeks later, we have already reached almost 9000 streams on Spotify alone.
Well past 2000 of you have entered the Hollow Mirror dreamscape on Spotify, and we are grateful for each and every stream.
Our stories are heard. Our words reach your heart.

Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror spotify monthly listeners
Ethereal Kingdoms hollow mirror spotify all time streams

Thank you so much everyone who listen and explore our stories!
You make it possible for us to continue to create art and share our music.
Follow us on spotify, tell a friend, add a song to a playlist of yours – YOU make the whole difference!

“Brings together the opposites” – Classic Rock Magazine review

Classic Rock Magazine Germany entered the Hollow Mirror soundscape.

On Hollow Mirror, we bring to life 9 ghost stories, set in our theatrical metal soundscape. We explore contrasts, construct beautiful scenery and tear it apart. Spectral voices of massive choirs, numerous guest musicians and classical soloists – our first album was a massive undertaking for us! How does that all come together?

Journalist Matthias Mineur shared his thoughts in the Prog-metal section of the October issue.

Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror review in Classic Rock Magazine by Matthias Mineur.

“From sugar sweet to gallbitter, from lascivious to hectic, from symphonic to death metal (…) Hollow Mirror brings together the opposites.(…)”

“(…)contrast between the bell-clear soprano and the heavy bark-varying vocals of their frontwoman Sofia Schmidt (…)”

Matthias Mineur, Classic Rock Magazine
Classic rock magazine October 2019 ethereal kingdoms review

Thank you so much, Classic Rock Magazine!

Other printed rock- and metal magazines have also explored Hollow Mirror.
Germany’s Legacy magazine have featured us for both an interview and a review. The same goes for French Metallian, who honored us with a full-page interview feature and a 5 of 6 stars rating for Hollow Mirror.

Scandinavia’s oldest metal magazine Metalized reached out to us for an interview and granted Hollow Mirror a 10 of 10 star review!

Enter the Hollow Mirror dreamscape on your streaming service of choice.
Do you prefer your music the physical way?
CD and Vinyl editions of Hollow Mirror are available at the official target webshop!

“Elegance that keeps the listener pivoting” – Hollow Mirror Dead Rhetoric review

Ethereal Kingdoms live Sofia Schmidt breaking violin live at Royal Metal Fest Jacob Dinesen Devilution

What happens when you combine massive choirs, heartfelt screams, shattered violins, nostalgic melodies, classical soloists and thundering blastbeats?
What happens when you bring nine ghost stories to life set in a theatrical metal sound-stage?

Journalist Matt Coe entered the Hollow Mirror soundscape and awarded our debut album an 8,5 of 10 rating from Dead Rhetoric!

Ethereal Kingdoms live at Royal Metal Fest 2019. Sofia Schmidt shattering a violin at the stage floor. Symphonic metal theatrical performance. Portrait by Jacob Dinesen of Devilution.
“Hope is an illusion we feed ourselves”
Shattering the potential for beauty.
Ethereal Kingdoms live at Royal Metal Fest 2019
Portrait by Jacob Dinesen of Devilution

 “(…) in the case of this quartet, they are willing to incorporate gothic and dark/extreme elements against an elegance that keeps the listener pivoting throughout these nine tracks.”

“(…) the music supporting the singing in a seamless fashion, the extra orchestration and woodwind/classical accents providing the extra cherry layer on top of the proceedings.”

Matt Coe, Dead Rhetoric.com
Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun anniversary support show. Guitarist Christian Rasmussen performing on stage at gimle with guitar. 
Portrait by Skoett Photography.
“I reflect in broken glass”
Christian Rasmussen at Wintersun 15th anniversary support show 2019
Portrait by Skoett Photography

“Guitarist Christian Rasmussen can go from crunchier rhythms to clean passages that convince you of the man’s stellar abilities”
“(…)the group cover “My Kantele” from Amorphis, adding their dual clean/growl slant and giving the song the credit it deserves for being a set list/band favorite since it’s release in 1996.”

“Ethereal Kingdoms (…) do their best to blend their love of gothic, folk, and darker/extreme metal on top of things. Because of this Hollow Mirror will reflect adequately for most who love the diverse approach and attention to catchy melodies/harmonies throughout.”

Matt Coe, Dead Rhetoric.com

“You’re in for an experience” – Metalized
“A surprising record” – Metallian
“A darker take on symphonic metal” – Über Rock

“In league with the big bands” – Hollow Mirror review

Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun support show at Gimle. Sofia Schmidt performing My Kantele by Amorphis in front of crowd.
Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun support show at Gimle. Sofia Schmidt performing My Kantele by Amorphis in front of crowd
“Music will not play to please”
Sofia and Sigurbodi performing My Kantele – Amorphis cover at Wintersun 15th anniversary Support show at Gimle
Portrait by Skoett Photography

★★★★★★★★☆☆ from Heavymetal.dk for Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror!
One of Denmark’s longest running metal webzines awarded Hollow Mirror a score of 8 of 10 stars in this review.
Journalist Carsten Bach entered the Hollow Mirror dreamscape.
He was thrilled by the storytelling and drew clear parallels to our inspirations from Amorphis, Nightwish and so forth.

He said:

“You don’t need more than a few seconds of listening to place Ethereal Kingdoms in league with the big bands”

“(…) You get the sense, that you will witness a story and not just 9 separate songs.”

“Vocalist Sofia Schmidt clearly demonstrates, that she’s not to be dismissed as a docile pretty voice, for her guttural roars and ear-shattering screams are truly powerful”

Carsten Bach, Heavymetal.dk

★★★★★★★★★☆Thank you so much!
Heaymetal.dk was also present when we unleashed some of the songs from Hollow Mirror for the first time live.
This happened at Royal Metal Fest April 6th 2019 at our theatrical special show:
“I witnessed something unique” – ★★★★★★★★★☆ – Heavymetal.dk

We also spoke with heavymetal.dk before our show at Copenhagen Metal Fest, where we in this interview talk about our inspirations, dreams and what’s on our guilty pleasure playlists!

Explore Hollow Mirror at your streaming service of choice or at your local record store!

Ethereal Kingdoms – Hollow Mirror – Full album playlist

Other metal journalists from all over the world have entered the Hollow Mirror dreamscape as well.

“Dragged out of the comfort zone” – Legacy magazine
“Elegance that keeps the listener pivoting” – Dead Rhetoric
“You’re in for an experience” – Metalized

“A darker take on symphonic metal” – Review of Hollow Mirror

Ethereal Kingdoms live wintersun support by Jannie Ravn Madsen. Sofia Schmidt vocalist with bloody heart special effect.
Ethereal Kingdoms live wintersun support by Jannie Ravn Madsen. Sofia Schmidt vocalist with bloody heart special effect.
“With each step I take, you bleed”
Sofia Schmidt with a torn our heart at Wintersun 15th Anniversary support.
Portrait by Jannie Ravn // blastbeast.dk

Journalist Tim Bolitho-Jones of Über Rock entered Hollow Mirror and found it to be “an impressive piece of work” in this review:

“a darker take on traditional symphonic metal (…) a more horror-inflected vibe and feels grimly oppressive.”

“It’s also notable for the frankly fantastic vocals of singer Sofia Schmidt. Aside from her impressive orchestral range, she also handles the low register death growls and switches between styles in an instant.”

“The likes of ‘Beginnings’ and ‘Ashes Within’ are huge, cinematic slices of Gothic melodrama.” 

Tim Bolitho Jones – Über Rock

Hollow Mirror is our collection of 9 ghost stories and tales of personal tragedy. Our most massive undertaking to date, our debut album was created with the help of numerous guest artists such as icelandic folk musician Sigurbodi, award winning singer-songwriter Amalie Skriver on violin and guest vocals, numerous classical soloists, voice actor Simon Larsen and many more.

We have worked closely with artist Anna Holm to create the visual backdrop for Hollow Mirror by creating unique illustrations for each of the 9 songs.

Enter Hollow Mirror on your streaming service of choice
Vinyl and CD with 12-page illustrated art booklet available at the official Target webshop

Hollow Mirror out now

Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror debut album cover.

We are thrilled to unveil Hollow Mirror.
A collection of 9 ghost stories rendered in a massive soundscape.

Featuring numerous guest musicians, this debut album is the largest undertaking in our career so far.

Our debut album is out now wordwide on vinyl, CD and digital via Mighty Music.

Enter Hollow Mirror on your streaming service of choice:

Journalists from around the world have already entered the theatrical metal experience.
This is their testimonials:

“You’re in for an experience” – 10 of 10 – Metalized
“Like going on a journey” – 5 of 5 – Raven Rock Site
“Almost near perfection” – 4 of 5 – Metal A Day
“Beauty interrupted by brutality” – 6 of 6 – Calles Rock Corner
“A perfect balance of brightness and darkness” – 8 of 10 – Metal Temple
“Each composition is a kingdom of its own” – 15 of 15 – Fireworks
“Dragged out of the comfort zone” – Legacy
“A complete range of voices” – 82 of 100 – Musica.be

“A surprising record” – Review of Hollow Mirror

Journalist Axel Meuriche of French metal magazine Metallian entered Hollow Mirror. He awarded our debut album a grand 5 of 6 stars in this review!
Not only did Metallian feature this review in their September/October issue, they awarded us with a wonderful full page interview feature where we talk about our inspirations, the concepts of Hollow Mirror and how we fuse theatre and metal.

Axel wrote the following about Hollow Mirror:

Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror review in Metallian. Symphonic metal mighty music 2019

“Hollow Mirror is a surprising record, that any fan of symphonic metal will be able to adopt easily.”

“The dexterity is always at the service of the melody, especially on “Endings” and the little pop side of the style is never too far with “Heartchamber” and “Silent Dance” …

“(…) rich pieces, sublimated by ever indigestible orchestrations that brilliantly accompany the lyrical flights and cries of the beautiful singer, Sofia Schmidt.”

Thank you so much Metallian!

Other media have shared their thoughts about Hollow Mirror as well:
“You’re in for an experience” – 10 of 10 – Metalized
“Beauty interrupted by brutality” – 6 of 6 – Calles Rock Corner
“Like going on a journey” – 5 of 5 – Raven Rock Site
“Each composition is a kingdom of its own” – 12 of 15 – Fireworks Magazine
“A perfect balance of brightness and darkness” – 8 of 10 – Metal Temple

“Not just another symphonic metal band”

Ethereal Kingdoms live review metaladay.dk. Sofia Schmidt with bloody heart special effect at Copenhagen Metal Fest 2019

Hard Rock Info entered the Hollow Mirror soundscape and shared a few thoughts about what they experienced.

Ethereal Kingdoms live review metaladay.dk. Sofia Schmidt with bloody heart special effect at Copenhagen Metal Fest 2019
Sofia Schmidt in a moment of fury at Copenhagen Metal Fest 2019.

Portrait by Anders Groos Mikkelsen of Metal A Day

Our 9 ghost stories were received thusly:

” (…)if you’re a fan of symphonic and melodic metal, and have nothing against a few surprises, then you should at least give this band a try (…)”

“Their music is a little theatrical/cinematic actually, and full of ghost stories. Metal, soprano, growl and harsh vocals are mixed with choirs and a lot of different instruments and different twists and turns. “

“So, this is obviously a very ambitious project, and absolutely not just another symphonic metal band.”

Hard Rock Info

Hollow Mirror is out on 11th of October 2019 via Mighty Music.
Vinyl, CD and digital are available.

We’re incredibly exited to share this with the world. This is our first album, our first physical copies of our music made available to the public.

You’re invited into the Hollow Mirror experience.
Enter. Join us.
Share your thoughts with us on social media.

Other metalheads and metal journalists have experienced the following:

“You’re in for an experience”10 of 10 –Metalized

“Almost near perfection” – 4 of 5 -Metal A Day

“Beauty interrupted by brutality”6 of 6 – Calles Rock Corner

“Each composition is a kingdom of its own” – Fireworks

Dragged out of the comfort zone”– 12 of 15 – Legacy magazine

“A perfect balance of darkness and brightness” – 8 of 10 – Metal Temple

Legacy magazine interview

Ethereal Kingdoms Legacy Magazine germany interview

Journalist Lukas Schärer of Legacy magazine reached out to us for an interview in their 122nd issue.
We talk about Hollow Mirror, our view on our unique take on symphonic metal, our show preparations for our Wintersun support show, our inspirations as well as our hopes and plans for the future.

Legacy magazine interview with Ethereal Kingdoms about Hollow Mirror debut album.
Legacy magazine interview with Ethereal Kingdoms.
This full-page feature is crowned by our band portrait by talented Mathilde Maria Rønshof

Excerpts from the interview:

“(creating Hollow Mirror, red.) was a very emotional and intense experience. We hope that this energy reaches the listener. We can not wait to share the album with the world.”

“We focus on the contrast between beauty and brutality.
If it’s only brutal, you get desensitized, it’s the twist that makes it interesting”

Sofia Schmidt, interview with Legacy Magazine

The theme of contrasts on Hollow Mirror is apparent, when we shift the topic towards our music video for Heartchamber:

“The video shows a love couple being torn apart. Both are recurrent characters on the album. We use quite brutal images, such as when the heart is ripped from the chest. It underscores the balance between the beautiful music and the rather gloomy lyric theme of loss and pain in the soul.”

Sofia Schmidt, interview with Legacy Magazine
Musicvideo for Heartchamber
Mighty Music 2019

We elaborate on the connection to our single Endings.

Read the entire feature of this Legacy Magazine interview in their issue no 122.
Besides this interview, you can also find a 12 of 15 scored review of Hollow Mirror in the magazine’s review section.

Explore other interviews and reviews in the archives here on our website.

Hollow Mirror is out 11th of October 2019 via Mighty Music on Vinyl, CD and digital. Pre-add and pre-order links can be found in the shop section the official Ethereal Kingdoms website.

“Dragged out of the comfort zone” – Legacy album review

Legacy Magazine Ethereal Kingdoms

Germany’s Legacy magazine explored the theatrical metal experience which is Ethereal Kingdoms.
Journalist LS awarded Hollow Mirror a grand 12 of 15 stars ★★★★★★★★★★★★☆☆☆as well as an interview feature!

Legacy no 122 front page with review of Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror
Front page cover of Legacy Magazine no. 122

Journalist LS entered the Hollow Mirror soundscape and emerged with this experience:

“Hollow Mirror” is supported by the surprisingly variable voice of singer Sofia, who not only sings cleanly for several octaves, but likes to scream and growl in between.

“The band does not shy away from dissonances (…) there’s also a nasty bludgeon with a Deathcore touch on a hymnic elf-like vocals, such as on the middle section, Endings’.”

“Hollow Mirror” is a collection of ghost stories, with a 16-voice choir supporting Sofia in the dramatic rendition, as well as guest appearances with Sigurboði Gretarsson, who otherwise indulges in his one-man Niðafjöll command, and songwriter Amalie Skriver.

 “Hollow Mirror” takes time – the typical Crypt Metal crowd is unlikely to enjoy being dragged out of its comfort zone by the unruly arrangements and complex soundscapes – the Danes have the courage.”

Review of Ethereal Kingdoms Hollow Mirror by LS in Legacy Magazine no 122.
Review of Hollow Mirror by LS in Legacy Magazine no 122

Thank you so much Legacy Magazine for featuring Ethereal Kingdoms in your printed magazine!
Explore the interview feature and browse other interviews with internation metal media in our interviews section.

Metalized magazine interview

Ethereal Kingdoms live Wintersun support Mikkelsen Photo
Ethereal Kingdoms Metalized oktober/november 2019. Front page conver of metallized magazine, hollow mirror album review 10 of 10 and interview feature article with Ethereal Kingdoms.
Metalized – the oldest scandinavian printed metal magazine – reached out to us for an interview and an album review feature for the October/November issue!

How do you create a symphonic metal album from scratch?
What is life on the road like for Ethereal Kingdoms?
And what is it like to sign with Mighty Music less than a year after your debut EP?
We spoke to journalist Hell(e) in this Metalized magazine interview, the oldest metal and rock magazine in all of Scandinavia

Excerpts from the interview:

“We try to create the music we feel is missing out there. We draw our inspiration from a lot of different places, and always strive to create something extraordinary”

“For me (Sofia, red.) the growl is the 6th gear of my voice, it’s for when what I want to say can’t be said with intense high notes. I need to scream and roar it out, it’s a raw masculine energy that I like to work with in my voice”

“(Signing with Mighty Music, red.) has opened up a lot of opportunities to get our music out to those, who want to hear it”

“Especially live, we sometimes take big chances and experiment in the intersection between show and concert”

In this issue no 124, you will find a review of Hollow Mirror as well (10 of 10 stars, thank you so much!) as well as articles with Baest, Mayhem, Soren Andersen and many many more!

Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun 15th anniversary special show with Amalie Skriver.
Ethereal Kingdoms live with special guest Amalie Skriver at Wintersun 15th anniversary show.
Photo by Mikkelsen-Photo for Metal a Day

We have also spoken with Metallian, the largest French metal magazine in print (and even made it to the frontpage of their September/October issue! Thank you so much!

Explore our universe at instagram, facebook, Spotify and youtube for more adventures in Ethereal Kingdoms.