Ethereal Kingdoms live at Wintersun 15th anniversary support
August 30th 2019, Gimle, Roskilde
Portrait by Skoett Photography
Renowed dutch heavy metal journal Aardschok magazine dived into our debut album in their November 2019 issue.
Hollow Mirror was awarded 85 of 100 score in this review by journalist Laura Waalboer! Thank you!
What did she experience?
What stories did she encounter?
Laura in particular took note to of our song Distance:
“Opener “Distance” starts with a melodic orchestration (…), soon you know, this is not going to be an ordinary piece of work”
“No song is just an up-tempo, a ballad or a melodic song. Each track contains clean vocals, growls, narration, mysterious sounds, opera vocals, guitar solos, whipping drums and everything else in the musical range of symphonic metal. (…) in every song all the singing styles, various arrangements and all the instruments are tumbling over each other.”“What a courage, what a creativity!”
“Hollow Mirror (…) is a 45-minute fairy tale story with a lead role for singer Sofia Schmidt. She is in possession of a warm, dark voice that, during the clean vocals, resembles Helena Michaelsen, who can also sound an opera tesk, and she also takes care of the growls.”
Laura Waalboer, Aardschok november 2019 issue
Thank you so much Aaardschock magazine!
Other metal journalists have shared their experience of Hollow Mirror:
“In league with the big bands” – heavymetal.dk – 8 of 10
“You’re in for an experience” – Metalized – 10/10
“Brings together the opposites” – Classic Rock Magazine
“A perfect balance of brightness and darkness” – Metal Temple – 8 of 10
“Beauty interrupted by brutality” – Calles Rock Corner – 6 of 6