Royal Metal Fest. VoxHall, Århus, Denmark April 1st 2022.
“Et eksplosivt kalejdoskop af lyd, æstetik og eksperimentende sceniske udtryk udfoldes, når Ethereal Kingdoms går på scenen til Royal Metal Fest for anden gang. Med udgangspunkt i det teaterkoncept de udviklede op til deres optræden i 2019, lover bandet, at de har nogle helt særlige overraskelser med i ærmet til publikum. Vær bl.a. vidne til de allerførste toner fra bandet kommende 2. album “Procession” (2023 Mighty Music), da der i samarbejde med udvalgte sangere fra Roskilde Domkirkes Herrekor uropføres en sang fra albummet. Kom derfor og lad dig forføre at bandets underfulde univers, når de rammer Royal Metal Fest til april!”
Enter the theatrical metal experience like never before Show Trailer – Royal Metal Fest 2022
Full Lineup
Soilwork (SE) – Valkyrja (SE) – Ethereal Kingdoms (DK) – Hola Ghost (DK) – MØL (DK) – Sinister (HOL) – Persefone (AND) – Cult of Lilith (IS) – Sinnrs (DK) – IN MOURNING (SWE) – LAMENTARI (DK) – A Horrible Death To A Horrible Man (DK) – Arsenic Addict (DK) – Unseen Faith (DK) – Deception – NO (NO) – TROLD (DK) – Persecutor (DK) – Shamash (DK) – Temple of Scorn (DK) – CLIENTS (DK) – The Arcane Order (DK) – Damim (UK) – Wayward Dawn (DK) – Ivy Crown (DK) – Coexistence (IT) – Hexadar (DK) – DemonGrinder (DK) – Psycho Brahe (DK)
The festival takes place on three stages: VoxHall – Radar – Turkis See the Metal Royale website for details on the running schedule or follow the official Facebook event.
Can’t make it to the show? See our upcoming shows page for more tour dates for 2022
Vi slår dørene op for Danmarks store håb indefor symfoniske metal. Ethereal Kingdoms, leverer et unikt og moderne udtryk for teatralsk symfonisk metal. Samme aften går der troldefest i den når Trold stiller op med deres folk metal. OBS // Grundet covid-19 er koncerten planlagt for siddende publikum og derfor med meget begrænset kapacitet. Det kan selvfølgelig ændre sig før koncerten men skal man være sikker på at kom med anbefaler vi at man sikrer sig billet hurtigt // OBSEthereal Kingdoms: Uforudsigelig skønhed. Uventet brutalitet. I et teatralsk krydsfelt mellem show og koncert bringer Ethereal Kingdoms deres historier til live med brølende guitarer, flænsende skrig, ovenjordiske klange, blod, guld og adrenalin. Ethereal Kingdoms er noget så sjældent som et band bestående af lige dele symfonisk metal og lige dele totalteater. De sætter sig dermed også på deres retmæssige trone som Danmarks hidtil største symfoniske metalband. Udover at have spillet med i WOA Battles, optrådt på Royal Metal Fest med et særlig show, spillet Nordic Noise, har Ethereal Kingdoms spillet sammen med bands som Finntroll og Wintersun.
TROLD spiller folkemetal med et skælmsk smil, der med garanti sparker gang i festen inde fra de store, mørke danske skove. Historiefortællingen og melodierne er i fokus når der leges med forskellige instrumenter og tunge guitarrytmer for at skabe den perfekte stemning. Historierne growles, væses og synges, imens lytterne tages med på et væld af eventyr.TROLD har rødderne godt plantet i den nordiske muld hvor inspirationen findes fra et væld af eventyr og mythologier. Jætter, Guder, skovens dyr og havets forunderlige verden er blot nogen af de steder TROLD tager lytterne med hen.Når troldene står på scenen, kan i være sikre på festen starter og det gode humør sparkes igang.TROLDS medlemmer er ikke uvandte på scenen og består af Vokal: Astór Palsson (Dawn of Demise) Guitar :Michael Lundquist (ex-Svartsot, Prevail) Guitar: Jesper Myrup (ex-Kurgan) Trommer: Danni Jelsgaard (Vansind, ex-Svartsot) Keyboard: Danni Svendsen (ex-Heidra, ex-Fjorsvartnir, ex-Illnath) Bass: Allan Madsen (Prevail)
Join us for a free streaming event during the Copenhell weekend Arranged by the editors of Metalized and, a hard-hitting lineup of danish only bands is brought straight to your living room.
Slay Home Slay Safe is not our first livestream event. We created a show with straight from our rehearsal room on may 1st. We will also return to Forbrændingen with Xaon, Sunless Dawn and Lamentari in October 2020 for our postponed concert.
Our last show before the lockdown was our concert at Udlejre Kirke. A sold-out special musical experience with organ, choir and flute soloists, created in collaboration with Lukas Rostgaard Hartvig of The Danish National School of Performing Arts.
We won’t bring a church organ to this show (even though we would if we could!). Instead, our unbridled intensity and pent-up energy from the covid-19 lockdown will be unleashed straight into your living rooms with this festival!
Portrait by Skoett Photography from our night with Wintersun
“A Copenhell replacement”
The culture pages of the mainstream print media has picked up on this news as well. POLITIKEN featured SHSS in their culture section iByen as a “Copenhell replacement” event.
Renowned GAFFA has also mentioned this arrangement, sharing the arrangers’ wish to give something back to the metal community in the wake of numerous cancellations due to Covid-19.
Interview radio feature
DEN TUNGE RADIO spoke with SOFIA right after the show at Forbrændingen in the backstage lounge. Journalist KASPER BEHRENDT talked with our lead vocal about how it feels to play a livestream show, the visual aspects of our performance and how to manage life as an artist in general during a pandemic.
SOFIA spoke with KASPER BEHRENDT after our show at SLAY HOME SLAY SAFE.
You are invited to join us in our rehearsal room for our very first live streamed performance, brought to you by Gixter Enjoy a raw, personal and up-close experience of our theatrical metal universe, May 1st at 19:00 GMT+1
A personal and different version of our symphonic metal universe. The show is free, and signed copies of our Hollow Mirror debut album on Vinyl and CD will be available, as well as a small raffle in the comments section.
Tune in on our facebook livestream Friday May 1st 2020 at 19:00 GMT+1
One camera. One take. Up close and personal. Enter our rehearsal room. This is our universe. Live concert straight out of our rehearsal room. May 1st 2020 Videography: Mikkelsen-PhotoSupport our musical journey and enchant your wardrobe as well as well as your record collection here:
Swiss progressive death metal mastodons XAON return to Denmark for a night of wonder, magic and complexity at FORBRÆNDINGEN in Albertslund, Copenhagen.
In the company of WACKEN METAL BATTLE DENMARK 2015 winners SUNLESS DAWN, we bring our finest songs to this show. We will also have a special collaboration between Sunless Dawn and Ethereal Kingdoms at this performance.
New symphonic black metal band LAMENTARI joins this show, unleashing their critically acclaimed debut EP f live this night.
Portrait by Mikkelsen-Photo for Metal A Day || Copenhagen Metal Fest 2019
XAON’s 2019 album SOLIPSIS made it onto our “Sounds of the Kingdoms” Spotify playlist, a handpicked selection of songs that inspire, delight and fascinate us. Vocalist Sofia especially is a big fan of this band.
For our first show ever in NÆSTVED, we enter NÆSTVED METALFEST. Arranged by MIGHTY MUSIC, we are in the grand company of legendary BAEST, HATESPHERE, WITHERING SURFACE, DAWN OF DEMISE, WAYWARD DAWN and more! The venue KONGEBRYG will set a raw and intense frame around our stories, which we will unleash in an unbridled and furious format at an open air experience.
Our vocalist SOFIA SCHMIDT spend her teenage years creating music and culture in the city of NÆSTVED, and have spent many after-school hours at co-sponsor NÆSTVED UNGDOMSSKOLE, so it will be an evening with a nostalgic return. She and drummer JON ELMQUIST played their first ever open-air festival show at the ROCK PÅ MUNKEN 2 event and SKULL SMASH FESTIVAL back in the early 2010’s with their now-defunct melodeath project BLAZE OF BARBAROID.
Press statement in Danish 🇩🇰
I 2019 slog Næstved Metalfest for første gang dørene op til den største og tungeste metalfestival syd for København. Allerede 14 dage før selve festivalen, kunne vi melde alt udsolgt! Til august gør vi det igen, bare endnu større!
I stedet for én dag, tager vi to dage i brug og dermed lukker vi også op for dobbelt så mange gæster som sidste år. D. 28 & 29 august 2020 går det løs, denne gang med endnu flere bands.
JIMMY NIELSEN medarrangør, udtaler: “Jeg kan simpelthen ikke vente med at præsentere den endelige plakat for Næstved Metalfest 2020. Jeg synes selv vi har samlet nogle enormt fede bands til denne festival som favner bredt, rent musikalsk og at vi allerede i år kigger ud over landegrænsen. Både Michael (H. Andersen) og jeg er helt på røven over den enorme opbakning og modtagelse der har været af vores lille hjertebarn. Den havde vi ikke helt set komme, men det viser bare at metaltrætheden har trænge kår, når det kommer til musikgenren og at dansk metalmusik er i voldsom vækst. Nu håber vi bare at det smitter af på scenen i Næstved, så næste generation af bangers kan steppe op og vise kronen & nøglerne”.
Næstved Metalfest 2020 finder sted D. 28 & 29 august 2020 på Kongebryg. Der er lagt i ovnen til en stor oplevelse i det Sydsjællandske med de rustikke faciliteter hos det populære lokale bryggeri og spillested. Der vil således både være brygget specielt øl til lejligheden og være et stort udbud af boder med mad, drikke og merchandise.
Der arrangeres bustur fra København til Næstved Metalfest i samarbejde med Club Dark. Den oplagte mulighed for få en på opleveren uden for Hovedstaden. Bustur t/r fra Zeppelin Rock Bar på Vesterbro Torv til et af Danmarks bedste bryggerier med metalkoncerter oveni hatten, alt sammen i de smukke omgivelserne omkring den gamle Gardehusar kaserne.
Ethereal Kingdoms presents a musical total experience in Udlejre Church The critically acclaimed band experiments in the intersection between classical, metal and theatre concert in an intense, contrasting and emotional show, featuring the church’s beautiful organ.
The stories are brought to live exclusively by The Kingdom Choir, the church’s organ and special guest soloists in concord and contrast with roaring drums, elegant guitar lines and Sofia Schmidt’s characteristic soprano notes and low growls
The concert program consists of works from the critically acclaimed debut album Hollow Mirror (Mighty Music 2019) and two new pieces of music composed specifically for this concert experience.
Surrender. Let yourself be surprised, overwhelmed and full of wonder when Ethereal Kingdoms opens the doors to their beautiful and strange universe.
01. Hollow light New composition for organ and vocal ensemble with organist Karsten Kristensen and The Kingdom Choir
08. Quando Corpus Morietur & Amen 12th movement from G. B. Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater Soprano: Sofia Schmidt Contratenor: Darnell Boddie Organist: Karsten & Simone Kristensen as well as the Ethereal Kingdoms metal ensemble for the “Amen” passage
09. Hollow light – reprise with organist Karsten Kristensen
We unleash our universe at our very first open air performance. Tornvang festival writes:
“The band creates grandiose and pompous metal with a taste for the melodic, but at the same time balancing a harder and more direct edge. The band released the album “HOLLOW MIRROR” via MIGHTY MUSIC. The album received good reviews and Ethereal Kingdoms will without a doubt give the audience or TORNVANG a taste of how the songs work live as well.
If you add their highly original and almost theatrical stage performance, you can definitely expect a memorable experience at the festival, when the band enters the stage!”
Udgårdsfest 2020 – Denmark’s finest viking/pagan metal festival 21st/22nd of August 2020, Pumpehuset, Copenhagen Early bird tickets available now:
In celebration, we bring special surprises for this show! You will experience the songs from Hollow Mirror with a uniquely scandinavian and nordic twist as we celebrate our roots at Udgårdsfest 2020.
Tickets are on sale now.
Get in the pagan mood with our cover of Amorphis’ My Kantele:
Ethereal Kingdoms – My Kantele – Amorphis cover Featuring Sigurbodi Gretarson on hurdy gurdy and the sound of Sofia Schmidt’s 10-string KantelePoster by Anna Holm Sørensen
11th of October 2019, Zeppelin Rock Bar, Copenhagen
A unique acoustic show featuring The Kingdom Choir, flute soloist Lærke Krarup and viola soloist Hansi Andersen in a special acoustic Hollow Mirror album release celebration event.
Portrait by Mikkelsen Photo // Metal A DayPortrait by Silverflame productions // Metalsirenerne Sofia Schmidt in a moment of fury at Copenhagen Metal Fest 2019.
Special theatrical show featuring dancers, special effects, The Kingdom Choir and video projections. Backed by DMF, DAF and Metal Royale special grant for creating an extraordinary show for the festival.
“Hope is an illusion we feed ourselves”
Portrait by Mathilde Maria Rønshof
Sofia Schmidt on the stage of Gimle at Finntroll support show 2018
Portrait by Gaia Micatovich
Portrait by Mathilde Maria Rønshof
Portrait by Mathilde Maria Rønshof
“The beginning takes a thousand shapes”
Ethereal Kingdoms with special guest Amalie Skriver live at Gimle
Portrait by outstanding Mathilde Maria Photography