Christian Rasmussen, Jon Elmquist and Jakob Holm have parted from the Ethereal Kingdoms project.
Guitarist Mads Sørensen (Maelsteria, Exelerate) and bassist Jonas Klarstrup (Exelerate) will shape the future direction of Ethereal Kingdoms alongside Sofia Schmidt (vocals).
For live performances, we are joined by Mads Mortensen on drums (Gespenst, Ex-Woebegone Obscured, Berlin Philharmonics and more)
All shows will continue as scheduled.
A statement from guitarist and co-founder, Christian Rasmussen:
“I am leaving Ethereal Kingdoms
It has in many ways been an amazing journey with some really beautiful experiences with a lot of lovely people.
Still, I’ve chosen to say goodbye to the project, since we’ve hade some disagreements on the creative and practical process, and I feel it’s best that Sofia continues the band.
We part as friends and will continue to be friends going forward.
I wish Sofia all the best with the project in the future and will eagerly be watching the development of Ethereal Kingdoms
Best wishes
Christian “
“Jeg forlader Ethereal Kingdoms.
Det har på mange måder været en fantastisk rejse med nogle rigtig skønne oplevelser med en masse dejlige mennesker.
Jeg har alligevel valgt at sige farvel til projektet da vi har haft nogle uenigheder om den kreative samt den praktiske process, og jeg føler det er bedst at Sofia fortsætter bandet. Vi skilles som venner og kommer til at fortsætte med at være det fremadrettet.
Jeg ønsker Sofia alt det bedste med projektet i fremtiden og ser spændt med på den udvikling Ethereal Kingdoms tager.
De bedste hilsner

2017-2020 – An incredible adventure.
2021 and onward – new beginnings.
New themes arise.
New stories takes form.
New album in the making.
2022 – via Mighty Music
Cinematography and scoring: Otherworld Productions
Set design and additional videography: Anna Holm