★★★★☆ from Metaltone.dk for Ethereal Kingdoms’ special theatrical show at Royal Metal Fest 2019.
Backed with a special production grant, we brough stories from Hollow Mirror to life for the first time. We created a theatrical show featuring The Kingdom Choir, dancers, special effects and special light show.

Royal Metal Fest 2019
Portrait by Johnny Fravn of Metaltone.dk
Johnny Fravn, Metaltone.dk
“There were different highlights at Royal Metal fest this year. One of them definitely was Ethereal Kingdoms”
“I could almost have wanted a bigger stage for this show”
“The songs were executed beautifully with (…) Sofia fronting. (…) She’s educated in opera (…) but sometimes shifts to high pitch screams and even very masculine deep growls. (…). I was deeply impressed (…).”
“(…) performing the songs in text, dancing and acting backed by skilled and competent musicians (…)”
“An incredibly ambitious show”
“We experienced death, joy, sorrow, love and ghosts this night (…) one of the interesting performances this year”

Royal Metal Fest 2019
Portrait by Johnny Fravn for Metaltone.dk
Thank you so much metaltone.dk!
Before the show, we spoke with Royal Metal Fest about our thoughts and ambitions for this one of a kind performance in this interview.
We were honored to be backed with financial grant from DMF, DAF and Metal Royale foundation.

Royal Metal Fest 2019.
Portrait by Jakob Dinesen of devilution.dk
Others who have witnessed this performance say the following:
4,5 of 5 stars – “Refreshingly ambitious” – Revolution Music
9 of 10 stars – “I witnessed something unique” – Heavymetal.dk
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